8 Facts Everyone Should Know About Shiitake Mushroom Logs

The shiitake mushroom type grows on hardwood substrate that is live very much unlike the button mushrooms. These prefer species such as hard maples, hornbeam and oaks however can also produce on several other species of wood. One of the most important facts about this fungi type is the fact that it is the tree type that dominates the overall yield. The best species that are considered best for the cultivation of this species include all everyone from the family of oaks. It can be the red or the white oak. These trees perhaps must be growing on fertile sites to get the desired lot. Here are some very interesting facts about the logs.

Shiitake Mushroom Logs

Only white spawns

When you deal with the Shiitake Mushroom Logs from companies like agrinoon.com you shall make sure that the spawn associated must always be fuzzy white inside the bag. The bag has to be kept at room temperature and only the white ones must be considered for inoculation purposes. The sawdust thus must be completely white.

The strains

For the preparation Shiitake Mushroom Logs the selection of the strain goes a long way. It is largely dependent on the type of the wood inoculated and other general characteristics.For extending the harvest season of the logs it is always advised that more than one strain be used for production.

The fruiting

The fruiting time varies as per weather. During the cold months the fruiting ranges between somewhere around six months to more than fifteen months. Mushroom’s natural production occurs during temperatures of forty and sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit during the night and day respectively. The best fruiting time is usually mid-fall, mid-spring and half year post inoculation.

The contamination factor

Usually the shading amount, latitude and altitude affect the contamination of the logs. Thus, the initial location of the yard must not be the one that was used previously. This is because pests and contaminants build up from the previous lot may destroy the logs.

Shiitake Mushroom Logs

The heat factor

 The radiant heat stimulates growth of the spawn usually during the winter months. Thus, it must also be noted that too much heat may raise temperatures within logs and kill the spawn.

Sealing inoculation

When usually the holes are all spawn filled they must be sealed with the hot wax so that drying is prevented to a larger extent. Usually, the paraffin is used by making a mixture of a mineral oil that should be about twenty percent in volume. One can also use beeswax or cheese wax.

The cutting time

Trees must always be felled at least two weeks prior before the spawns are inoculated in the logs this is because the chemical natural defenses when cut is very high and active. Thus, may prevent growing. 

Moisture supplementation

In most of the climates associated with the production of this particular variety, moisture supplementation is of some type is mandatory. It is most required before the fruiting and the spawn run.

A lot of other factors

The shiitake mycelia digest cellulose and lignin which are the primary constituents of the log wood they are grown in. hence, they are cultivated commercially mainly on two substrates that are different, mainly the particulate materials like (wheat straw chopped, corn cobs, hulls of cottonseed) and hardwood logs.

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